Saturday, August 22, 2015

Smithsonian Documentary On Palmistry

Posted: 8/22/2015


Just watched  TRULY STRANGE »HIDDEN IN THE HAND. Very recommendable to learn what kind of medical information or diagnosis can result from studying a person’s hand. I was really surprised that Smithsonian was featuring such a film since I thought those body shape type of medical diagnosis (like phrenology) has long been abandoned as being unscientific or pseudoscience, but …

Of particular interest was how traditional Indian medicine relies on hand reading.


  1. President Barack Obama’s digit ratios (his 4d or ring finger is much longer than normal) indicates he is a risk taker. That is an understatement and one wishes Smithsonian had released this documentary before his election in 2008.
  2. The Indian professor was able to tell by looking at hands or even only photos of hands whether a person is prone to tooth caries or to predict whether a child will have frequent cavities. She was also very capable to read all kinds of medical diagnosis from photos of hands.
  3. Perhaps, the digit ratios (2d to 4d, or index to ring finger) may indicate a person’s gender identity. A woman’s typical 2d to 4d ratio is different from a man’s, but what about e.g. transgender people?
  4. The documentary explained how the hands and fingerprints formed during pregnancy and how they might be related to the development of the brain
  5. The documentary debunked the myth that the life line has anything to do with longevity
  6. Do not ignore significant changes affecting your hands or feet. In this documentary, you will learn that a particular cancer in the brain typically causes the fingers and feet to grow bigger, but someone might dismiss this as normal change coming with age.
  7. I am sure, I forgot something ...

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