Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Modern Lynch Mob In Action

Posted: 7/29/2015  Updated: 7/31/2015

Modern Witch Hunt Or Lynch Mob

The outcry and protest and even death wishes surrounding the Minnesota dentist Mr. Walter Palmer who allegedly killed the prominent lion Cecil of Zimbabwe is akin to a modern lynch mob. Without killing him his existence and livelihood is being destroyed by the lynch mob.

Was The Dentist Framed?

If it is true what Mr. Palmer said in his public statement published here by the Star Tribune, then it is possible that he was framed.

Why do the media keep repeating the sum of $50,000, the dentist allegedly paid for this hunting trip? Was this amount every verified? It appears to be awfully high.

Why would this dentist intentionally kill a famous, old lion? Would he not have anticipated the possible backlash or notoriety of his act. Would he have risked his business and family for this?

Reportedly, the first to allege that the dentist was the hunter was a NGO or conservation group called Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. When you look at their About webpage it looks already fishy. It is all about one person.

Demand For Extradition

It is quite comical that so many people now demand the extradition of this dentist to Zimbabwe.

Reportedly, there is even an agreement between the U.S. and Zimbabwe that would make it possible to extradite the hunter. I kind of doubt that this agreement either exists or is so simple. Was this agreement closed before Zimbabwe’s independence?

Reportedly, Zimbabwe called on Interpol to arrest the dentist.

Zimbabwe has been a failed state almost since independence 30 years ago. It was ruled for most of the time since then by a nasty dictator (Mugabe).

Persecuted By So Called Animal Lovers Or Animal Activists

The extreme intolerance, self-righteousness, and fury displayed by these people opposed to the killing of this lion or trophy/big game hunting in general is breathtaking. It is the 21st century and so many people still act like we living in the medieval ages. It is truly shocking!

The naive romanticism or noble savage feelings towards this lion or all lions for that matter are shocking.

Cecil, the lion, was a predator or killer himself. Someone who has ever watched how big wild cats hunt and kill other animals should have no warm or fuzzy feelings. Simply said it is is brutal. This hunter did not kill a lamb or sheep!

It was almost comical to hear or read again and again that the next male lion taking over Cecil’s harem would first kill the offspring. How many offspring did Cecil kill in his 13 year long life?

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