Friday, June 26, 2015

Ubuntu Annoyances!

Posted: 6/26/2015 Updated: 7/11/2015

Update As Of 7/11/2015

Ubuntu became more and more unstable as far as WiFi was concerned. Lost my Wifi almost as soon as I logged in again. Rebooting did not help much. Other attempts like disabling/enabling networking were futile and so on.

Then, I tried to connect to Internet via Ethernet LAN cable. Well, Ubuntu said cable unplugged. Tried different LAN cables, rebooted etc. to no avail.

Moved on to install CentOS 7, but more on that in a separate post.


I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu Linux in early June 2015 or so. Previously, I had Fedora Linux installed on my notebook, but it became so annoying that I had to get rid of it (I blogged here about it).

Serious Memory Management Issues

Now that I have tested two different flavor of Linux (i.e. Fedora, Ubuntu) on two different notebooks, my hunch is that Linux has some serious memory management issues compared to Microsoft Windows!
Very unfortunate!


  1. My wireless LAN at home is "out of range" (according to Network settings)? My smartphone tells me otherwise! Grr!
  2. Ubuntu desktop randomly blanks out letters in menus etc. This is very annoying!
  3. Ubuntu drops my WiFi connection very frequently at least like once every 1-2 hours. So I try to reconnect or disable/enable networking etc. Very annoying!
  4. If you have the Chrome Browser installed and you open let's say more than two dozen tabs (e.g. Facebook, Google mail, calendar, docs; various news media like New York Times, National Review etc.), Ubuntu becomes unstable or terribly responsive with long delays! Very annoying!

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