Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Identity Ideology

Posted: 6/17/2015


The recent, public outcry over a woman (i.e. Rachel Dolezal) who identified herself as black and was the head of the NAACP chapter of Spokane, Washington. She is also reported to have sued predominantly black Howard University for e.g. racial discrimination. Media like CNN reported for hours about her. Here is a just one of the many stormy articles published in the New York Times. Was she just a dishonest person? Was this a case of transracialism in an age of transgenderism? What is wrong with a white person in a leading position of NAACP? How many white people were in the inner circle of Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X?

The other prominent case of recent times is the sex change of past Olympic decathlon winner Bruce Jenner.

Personal Or Group Identity

Personal identity has long morphed into some kind of religion and groupthink. It is supposed to make one feel better after recognizing one’s identity.

It is a convenient political tool to classify voters by their imposed identity like moving pawns on a checkerboard.


Is Rachel Dolezal an outlier? Or does it happen more often than most people are aware of it that people of one race seriously wish to be of another race?

How many black people have seriously wished to be white? Is it a sacrilege to ask?

Have there not been a significant number of European people who expressed very strong affection for or identification with Asian or Persian culture etc.


Bruce Jenner ever a showman/woman and it is so lucrative too?

Or how about celebrity convicted spy formerly known as Bradley Edward Manning? Has he not immediately increased his fame or notoriety by intending to change his sex in the wake of his verdict? Is the taxpayer on the hook for his sex change?

In general, is becoming transgender a fad? Is it done for vanity? It’s so cool, right?
In 50 years from now will humans looking back consider today’s humans as hopelessly antiquated? Will gender matter any more in 50 years from now? Probably not!

Homosexuality Or Bisexuality

All these cult rites about homosexuality are curious like coming out etc. And all the cachet associated with being gay or lesbian etc.

Is there a moral issue here or is it up to adults in a free society to decide for themselves what they want to do with their lives?


Another example of hyper identification and exaggerated advocacy of victimization and superiority.

Regressive To Civil Society

We are all humans irrespective of origin, skin color etc. Thus the identification with some kind of identity as pointed out here is definitely not progressive, but rather backward. It is a form of modern tribalism.

It is high time to move on and away from this personal or group identity narrow-mindedness!

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