Monday, May 25, 2015

Looking Forward To Synthetic Meat

Posted: 5/25/2015


Just read “This is the future of meat”. A salient quote from the article: “Professor Mark Post, who is part of the faculty at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, … Two years ago, Post's team of researchers presented their first major discovery in the form of a five-ounce hamburger patty, which was created in a lab, but still was remarkably similar to ones sold on supermarket shelves.”

Here is the professor’s webpage:

Synonyms: Lab grown meat; in vitro meat; cultured meat

A Salvation To Humanity

  1. A roughly estimated 4 billion humans would like to eat more meat, but can’t
  2. The killing of so many animals for food might become obsolete
  3. And much more

Perhaps, this approach is not working, but I am convinced that humans will develop some form of synthetic meat or synthetic food within the next 20-50 years and thereby significantly reducing humanity's dependence on traditional/conventional agriculture and livestock farming.

The Price Of Lab Grown Meat Is Falling

Apparently, Prof. Post made further progress in reducing the price of lab meat: “Now, Post is working to overcome some of lab-grown meat's biggest obstacles, including its price. And he believes it's only a short matter of time before he succeeds. "It was $350,000 when we first publicized the patty," said Post. "At this point we've already managed to cut the cost by almost 80 percent. I don't think it will be long before we hit our goal of 65 to 70 dollars per kilo."That would drop the five-ounce burger to below $10, a number that Post hopes will eventually drop even further.”

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