Friday, April 11, 2014

A Critical Book Review On Climate Change


This a well done summary about one of the greatest hoaxes of recent times. When will humans finally overcome superstition and unfounded fears.

Salient Excerpts

Emphasis added:

  1. “The origins of warmism lie in a cocktail of ideas which includes
    [1. ]
    anti-industrial nature worship,
    [2. ]
    post-colonial guilt,
    [3. ]a post-Enlightenment
    belief in scientists as a new priesthood of the truth,
    [4. ]a
    hatred of population growth,
    [5. ]a
    revulsion against the widespread increase in wealth and
    [6. ]a
    belief in world government. ”
    (This is a great summary)
  2. “These beliefs began to take organised, international, political form in the 1970s. One of the greatest problems, however, was that the ecologists’ attacks on economic growth were unwelcome to the nations they most idolised – the poor ones. The eternal Green paradox is that the concept of the simple, natural life appeals only to countries with tons of money. ”
  3. “By a brilliant stroke, the founding fathers developed the concept of “sustainable development”. This meant that poor countries would not have to restrain their own growth, but could force restraint upon the rich ones. This formula was propagated at the first global environmental conference in Stockholm in 1972.”
  4. “The G7 Summit in Toronto in 1988 endorsed the theory of global warming. In the same year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was set up.”
  5. “The final push, brilliantly described here by Darwall, was the Copenhagen Summit of 2009. … The warmists’ idea was that the global fight against carbon emissions would work only if the whole world signed up to it. Despite being ordered to by President Obama, who had just collected his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, the developing countries refused. The Left-wing dream that what used to be called the Third World would finally be emancipated from Western power had come true. ”
    (I love this observation)

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