Sunday, February 17, 2013

What is wrong with Wind Energy? Storage

Wind Energy And Its Many Considerable Problems

Heavy government subsidies and preferential treatment (aka favoritism) sure is a big problem causing serious economic distortions and excessive costs of energy for consumers and businesses.

That you have to maintain large redundant supplies of conventional electricity generation for those days when there is not sufficient wind is another really big problem. This problem is compounded, because conventional electricity generation has to be run continuously to be ready for the event of lack of wind or they have to be stopped when winds are strong.

That wind energy turbines kill birds and bats etc. (including endangered species); that they generate sounds and are unsightly are problems neatly overlooked by environmentalists and global warming alarmists.

But To Put The Cart Before The Horse Is A Fundamental Problem

Reliable storage and retrieval of electricity is the first order problem to be resolved. Thus government should focus basic research in this area and leave the energy markets alone. If all these government subsidies were spent on this kind of basic research …

As long as we humans have not developed economical and efficient means to store large amounts of electricity that can be retrieved fast and over long periods of time, we should abandon wind energy as a pipe dream.

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