Friday, February 15, 2013

Totally Misguided Federal Antitrust Suit Against AB Inbev Takeover Of Grupo Modelo

On 1/31/2013 the Feds filed such a frivolous civil suit.

AB Inbev Already Controls Grupo Modelo

AB Inbev already has a 50.35% interest in Grupo Modelo and 43% of the voting shares, thus the question is what are the Feds actually trying to accomplish other than wasting tax payers money in a very competitive and open market?

Trust Busting Is A 19th Century Idea

Trust busting in a market where anyone can easily brew their own beer if they don’t like AB Inbev’s offering?

The federal government's responsibility is to keep the market for beer open to competition from domestic and overseas competitors not to put on these costly dog and pony shows.

Aiming At Mexico

Is it possible that AB Inbev actually targets more the Mexican market more than the US market with this acquisition?

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