Thursday, October 03, 2024

Germany has significantly slowed arms exports to Israel since the beginning of 2024 — without admitting it

What a scandal! What a disgrace! Inexcusable Chancellor Scholz!!!

Depending on the severity of this scandal it may be time for Scholz to resign!!!

Germany is among the most important arms suppliers to Israel!

"The German government appears to have quietly stopped, or at least paused, arms exports to Israel since the start of 2024, while officially denying any change of policy.

Government figures revealed in an official answer to a parliamentary question from September 10 showed that while approvals of arms exports to Israel rose immediately after the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, they then dropped at the turn of the year. ...

To take one example from the parliamentary answer, the Economy Ministry said that just over €3 million ($3.35 million) worth of military parts and technology were approved in October 2023, while in July 2024, only around €35,000 worth of military equipment was sent. ...

Germany has been Israel's second biggest supplier of arms for at least two decades. ..."

Germany slows arms exports to Israel — without admitting it – DW – 09/27/2024

Credits: Wie wichtig sind deutsche Waffenlieferungen an Israel für den Krieg im Gazastreifen und gegen den Hizbullah? "Deutschland gehört zu den bedeutendsten Exporteuren von Rüstungsgütern für den jüdischen Staat. Trotz dem israelischen Verteidigungskampf hat die Regierung in Berlin die Ausfuhren zuletzt drastisch reduziert. Israel dürfte damit zurechtkommen – vorerst."

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