Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Colorado passes first US brain activity data privacy law

Is it perhaps too premature to pass such laws? It may curtail or delay opportunities, advances etc.

"US tech companies that make neurotechnology gadgets — such as the headband that aims to make you a better meditator — will soon face more restrictions in how they collect, store and sell people’s brain-activity data. On 17 April, Colorado passed the country’s first law protecting consumers’ neural privacy. Users will now have the right to prevent companies from selling their brain data or using it for advertising. “We just think that there should be some guardrails in place for people who aren’t intending to have their thoughts read,” says Colorado legislator Cathy Kipp. Privacy advocates praise the bill’s passage, but some private universities are concerned it will prevent them from using such technologies for research and teaching."

Nature Briefing

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