Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Mining metals and minerals from seawater

Certainly an interesting idea! However, one day we may very well discover the significant negative impact this could have on fauna and flora of the oceans.

I would guess and bet, that sea floor mining is less harmful!

"The modern world runs on electronic devices and energy systems that are powered by valuable elements, such as lithium and uranium. There are a limited number of terrestrial mines that produce energy-critical elements, which makes the supply of these materials prone to disruption. So researchers are looking to an unconventional source: seawater. Almost every element on the periodic table can be found in global oceansbut most are dissolved in ultralow concentrations. In this episode of Stereo Chemistry, we hear from scientists in the US and European Union about why they’re interested in extracting metals and minerals from seawater and how they’re using chemistry to do it."

Podcast: Mining metals and minerals from seawater ... dives into the science behind extracting energy-critical elements from the ocean

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