Tuesday, February 21, 2023

After Testing Four-Day Week in the UK, Companies Say They Don’t Want switch back anymore

Good news! This could be a monumental change to our daily lives! The UK was among the first to introduce the five-day week back in the 19th century!

It may come at a price of reduced wages and salary though!

If we had more robots, perhaps we would be working only three days a week! 😊

"The present-day concept of the relatively longer 'week-end' first arose in the industrial north of Britain in the early 19th century and was originally a voluntary arrangement between factory owners and workers allowing Saturday afternoon off starting at 2 pm on the basis that staff would be available for work sober and refreshed on Monday morning." (Wikipedia)

"In one of the largest trials of a shorter work schedule—covering 2,900 workers from 61 employers in the U.K.—businesses found employees get just as much done in less time by working more efficiently. More than 90% said they would continue testing the shorter week, while 18 planned to make it permanent."

After Testing Four-Day Week, Companies Say They Don’t Want to Stop - WSJ Firms saw productivity hold mostly steady and fewer employees quit

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