Sunday, July 17, 2022

What are the greatest dangers to Western democracies?

 Here is a short list:

  1. Lack of or profound confusion about about fundamental and foundational principles.
  2. Lifelong career politicians and elected representatives
  3. Busybody representatives produce laws like an assembly plant. Rarely ever take representatives time to eliminate obsolete or outdated laws. Laws proliferate permanently
  4. Fiscal irresponsibility: Serial or frequent government budget deficits and the unsustainable growth of government debt
  5. Entrenched and expanding government bureaucracies and largely unchecked proliferation of regulations. Sometimes these bureaucracies even engage in coup d'etats
  6. The Judiciary is exclusively reserved for individuals with academic law degrees and to a large extent to individual with carers within the judiciary. This seems to be the least of all the here listed dangers! 
Briefly about fundamental principles: E.g. The Man Versus The State, The Road to Serfdom versus individual freedom and responsibility, concentration of government power versus devolution of government power, centralism versus federalism, Big Government versus limited and small government, spontaneous order versus human planned order and the like.

Briefly about lifelong career politicians and elected representatives:
They have become the quasi nobility. Too many of the same politicians, especially high level, get reelected again and again. Too often they tend to live in a bubble oblivious of the citizens they are supposed to represent.
Remedies: E.g. term limits

Briefly on the proliferation of laws: Most of the related issues are well known for a very long time.
Remedies: Sunset legislation or rules like for every new law one old law needs to be rescinded.

Briefly on budget deficits and growing debt: Most of the related issues are well known for a very long time. Living beyond one's financial means can be devastating for individuals as well as government entities from lower levels to highest level.
Remedies: Debt ceiling, balanced budget requirements with super majority rule to violate.

Briefly about bureaucracies: Most of the related issues are well known for a very long time. What was done to former President Trump was sort of a coup d'etat attempt by FBI and Intelligence Services. Bureaucracies are part of what is referred to as the political swamp.
Remedies: Perhaps employment in bureaucracies ought not to be permanent either. Rotation between private to public sector is recommended.

Briefly about the judiciary: To become a judge is often like going through a stovepipe. 
Remedies: I have written something about a possible reform here. More than the basics of legal education should be included in the curriculum of secondary child education.

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