Friday, July 01, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court: West Virginia v. EPA

Without being very familiar with this case, I assume this is another win for more federalism and less federal government power

Excessive or extreme environmentalism (e.g. Global Warming Hoax and Climate Change Religion) is not good for your health and your freedom! The demagogues will tell you it is about the Clean Air Act, when in fact it is about the federal government imposing so called renewable energy mandates without approval of the U.S. Congress or the individual states.

For the demented and senile 46th President it is another "West Virginia vs. EPA is another devastating decision that aims to take our country backwards". You can safely assume, the opposite is the case!

It appears the ruling addresses a dubious power grab measure by President Obama: "The case centers on the Clean Power Plan (CPP) proposed by the EPA in 2015 by the Obama administration."

West Virginia v. EPA - Wikipedia

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