Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Highland Park 4th of July mass shooting suspect latest in familiar pattern of deeply disturbed young men

Update: According to latest news, the father of the subject sponsored his son's Firearms Ownership Id card at age 20 just one months after his son threatened to kill everyone in the family. Bizarre!

Very recommendable! I guess, in the future if someone threatens deadly violence against others this needs to be taken very seriously and should be prosecuted immediately!

Proper healthcare for juveniles or adolescents with mental disorders have to be taken much more seriously in the U.S. and other Western countries. As a last resort, admission into a psychiatric ward ought to be included. 

The social stigma of mental disorders needs to be reduced! We are living now in the 21st century, but mental disorders are still perceived like we are in the medieval ages! Much progress was made on e.g. ADHD and PTSD and so on, but this is not enough by far.

For several decades, individuals with severe mental disorders were systematically deinstitutionalized for ideological and humanitarian reasons. This malpractice needs to be reevaluated!

Perhaps, parents, foster parents, or custodians need to be held accountable for failure to seek and provide treatment even after their child turns adult!

Stricter gun laws and more gun control make little sense and are obvious red herrings!

Unfortunately, the long article is silent on any substance abuse by the mass shooter. Laura Ingraham yesterday hinted that the suspect was a pot user.

Some of the the social media activity of the suspect also indicated a tendency to wards deadly violence and that he felt an urge to commit such acts.

"In September 2019 [at age of about 18], the suspect told his family he would "kill everyone," ... "The threat was directed at family inside the home."
Police were called to Crimo's parents' home, where officers seized 16 knives, a dagger, and a sword that Crimo had stashed there.
At the time, he hadn't applied for a firearms license in Illinois, said Covelli. Highland Park police reported Crimo to Illinois state police, but ultimately, no charges were filed. Crimo then dropped off the radar of authorities.
The incident occurred about five months after Crimo attempted suicide, according to police, who explained a third party reported the suicide attempt in April 2019 about a week after it happened.
These were Crimo's only two encounters with law enforcement before the July Fourth shooting. ...
His mother was once reportedly arrested on suspicion of domestic battery ...
Crimo appears to broadly fit the profile of several recent mass shooters: young, male, isolated, emotionally disturbed ...

Dr. Ira Glick, professor emeritus of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford University Medical Center, recently explained ... that no one had ever conducted a true scientific study on mass shooters until he and a few colleagues did so last year. ...
Glick's team studied 35 mass shooting cases that occurred in the U.S. between 1982 and 2019, analyzing a wide variety of sources to find that many mass shooters in America suffered from a mental illness that wasn't being treated when they committed their crime.
Specifically, 28 of the 35 had mental illness diagnoses. None of the 28 were medicated or received other treatment for their disorders prior to their crimes. ..."

Illinois shooting suspect latest in familiar pattern of disturbed young men leaving bloody trail | Just The News Robert Crimo III, an amateur rapper, posted violent imagery online, demonstrated troubling behavior before allegedly opening fire on Fourth of July parade.

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