Saturday, July 16, 2022

As energy crisis threatens civil unrest, new study documents 30 years of the EU's failed climate policies

When delusional policies come into finally into contact with reality and it becomes fast very ugly! Like the burst of a bubble!

I did not have time to read this study, but it seems to state the obvious that the powers that be have tried to cover up for too many years!

"The report is the most comprehensive assessment of the European Union’s energy and climate policies from 1990 to the present day. It shows that the very high costs of forcing the use of thermodynamically incompetent renewable energy has simultaneously caused EU energy consumption to fall dramatically as a result of price rationing but also left the EU critically exposed to a single high quality fuel, namely natural gas. ...
* The Emissions Trading Scheme, for example, has cost consumers some €78 billion in the period 2013 to 2021, and continues to add about €17 billion a year to bills.
* Subsidies to renewable energy have cost EU 27 consumers about €770 billion in the period 2008 to 2021, and continue to add about €69 billion a year to bills.
* Further analysis reveals that electricity generation productivity has collapsed, with system load factor falling from an adequate 56% in 1990 to a worryingly inefficient and expensive 37% in 2020.
* The EU’s own data shows that energy prices have been consistently above the non-EU G20 average, with household electricity prices for example being 80% higher and industrial electricity prices being 30% higher, a difference that is largely due to policy. Similar effects are found in relation to both natural gas and transport fuel prices. ..."

As energy crisis threatens civil unrest, new study documents 30 years of the EU's failed climate policies - The Global Warming Policy Foundation As the Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, is calling for an urgent return to fossil fuels to avert civil unrest and economic upheaval, the Global Warming Policy Foundation is publishing a new report documenting how 30 years of failed climate policies have triggered Europe’s worst energy cost and security crisis since the Second World War.

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