Friday, June 11, 2021

Rejecting Racial Demagoguery

The fact that skin color has become such a huge, defining topic in the daily discourse of the United States and other Western countries in the early 21st century is shocking! It is the worst kind of demagoguery that humans can aspire to! Make no mistake, this kind of obsessive demagoguery often incites deadly violence!

The massive and well coordinated attempt to alienate and divide groups of people in our society based on obviously racist slogans like Black Lives Matter, white supremacy, critical race theory etc. is a very contemptible sign of our times!

In the U.S., this demagoguery is aimed at setting up white and black Americans against each other for e.g. mostly for gaining political power. This is even more regrettable and inexcusable since the integration of white and black Americans has made good and widespread progress in the past several decades (e.g. the rising number of mixed couples and mixed residential living, advances in professional careers and much more including President Obama). Who is behind these forces that are mightily attempting to revert social progress in the U.S.? Is it China, Russia, North Korea, Iran ...?

Anyone who fails to mention that racism has been a scourge of humanity for thousands of years and that racism has occurred in almost all societies in history no matter what the skin color is a dangerous demagogue!

I am afraid that this is clear evidence that too many humans are still often fairly primitive animals. The thin veneer of civilization is perhaps not just a phrase! This daily demagoguery is very crude and inhumane!

Human history is littered with episodes like this one. This is no better than e.g. the medieval inquisition or the age old antisemitism that culminated in Auschwitz concentration camp! Was the Holocaust not warning enough!

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