Tuesday, December 08, 2020

State of Texas Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Rule Election in Four Battleground States Unconstitutional

Wow! This could very well become a game changer! The widespread unequal treatment of votes across the country is coming back to haunt big time! This is one of the bombshells we have been waiting for!

Hopefully, other states will join the Lone Star Texas ("The [lone] star is said to represent [Texas] independence as a single republic — as opposed to the star-spangled flag of the United States." source)!

This November election is far from over! I don't see Joseph Biden to be sworn in on presidential inauguration day. Even if he is, he and his vice president might have to step down from their offices soon afterwards.

It remains to be seen how the wobbly Chief Justice John Roberts will decide the several constitutional challenges of the November 2020 elections. He failed in a colossal manner to grasp constitutionality when he e.g. voted for Obamacare.

"The state of Texas on Tuesday filed an election lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, alleging that the states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot-integrity measures. ...
“Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this Union together. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement. ..."

Texas Asks Supreme Court to Rule Election in Four Battleground States Unconstitutional

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