Monday, September 17, 2018

Secondary Genome Analysis In Under 1 Hour!

Posted: 9/17/2018

Today (9/17/2018) I read this news release from Nvidia: What’s in Your Genome? Startup Speeds DNA Analysis with GPUs

Quotes (emphasis added):
  1. “Now, the bottleneck for genomic insights is the computational analysis that follows sequencing. It’s the process of detecting key markers and outliers, called variants, in the genetic data.”
  2. Parabricks, a startup based in Ann Arbor, Mich., and NVIDIA Inception member, is shrinking the time this analysis takes from a couple days to under an hour. “It’s the first application for secondary analysis of genomic data on a GPU, and it fully matches the state-of-the-art analytical pipeline,” …”
  3. “... Running on a single NVIDIA DGX-1 server, Parabricks’ software can process more than 12,000 whole genomes per year ...”

Very impressive!

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