Thursday, January 04, 2018

Gender Power Struggle In The 21st Century

Posted: 1/4/2018

Utter Gender Confusion

For the past several decades, the confusion about the ever and faster changing gender roles and relations among the genders has significantly increased, but one should not miss to notice an enduring power struggle between the genders. Bisexual, homosexual, transgender etc. are more like red herrings to obscure the underlying power struggle between the gender.

Women Are Neither Angels Nor Saints

Women are as power hungry as men. Feminism or similar forces are not merely to establish equal rights between men and women. While men tend to use more brawn and violence to achieve their goals in history, women resorted to more refined techniques to achieve theirs.

Unfortunately, too many men in Western countries are too chivalrous and too naive to fall for the cunning of the other gender.

Vanishing Genders

Will there still be a recognition of different genders by the end of the 21st century? Doubtful

If indeed the distinction of gender will be extinct before this century ends, then who will have more influence on how gender will disappear, women or men?

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