Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Democrats Are The Culprits Of Charlottesville

Posted: 8/16/2017  Updated: 8/17/2017


Disclaimer: I did not follow the events of Charlottesville, Va in great detail.

In Charlottesville, VA individual fanatics gathered as a mob to engage in violence and militancy. I do not care about their ideological background or self righteousness. Militant or violent mobs are antithetical to any civil society.

Again Awful Propaganda By Mainstream Media

The mainstream media worldwide did their best again to fool the public! The pro Confederate statues protesters were simply stigmatized as Nazis or white supremacists, while the anti/counter protesters were euphemistically and glorifingly referred to as anti Fascists and anti racists!

The True Culprits Were Democrats

What seems to be apparent so is the complete failure of the political leadership of Virginia and Charlottesville to keep the militant protesters effectively apart or to effectively intervene when violence erupted.

We know that the protesters had a valid permit for their demonstration. However, who was responsible for issuing a permit to the anti protesters? Was there actually a permit for the anti protesters issued despite the high probability of erupting militancy and violence and the great danger to public safety?

The real culprits of the events in Charlottesville were two Democrats, i.e. the governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe and the mayor of Charlottesville.

Terry McAuliffe Is An Unindicted Criminal

Terry McAuliffe happened to be actively involved in trying to manipulate the outcome of the presidential election last November when he obviously abused his clemency powers. He attempted to pardon over 200,000 felons so they could exercise their voting rights. This was an unprecedented act by a governor of Virginia. The Supreme Court of Virginia stopped him, but in disregard of this court order McAuliffe tried a 2nd time!

The Mayor Of Charlottesville Is A Political Hack

Finally, I got around to look up who actually is the democratic mayor of Charlottesville, VA.

Wow, was I surprised! Much worse  than imagined. The mayor is Michael Signer, he has worked for the infamous Center for American Progress and with John Podesta on Barack Obama's State Department Transition Team. Do I need to say more!

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