Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Proud To Be An American Again!

Posted: 8/9/2016

It is Morning in America again! Trump won! The historic significance of this election is momentous! The world is witnessing American exceptionalism in action! The country where the impossible is possible! America again became a beacon of hope for the rest of the world!

This will most likely be the best presidency so far in this century following 16 years of two mediocre or even failed  presidents!

It was a huge disappointment that Obama was reelected for a second term even though it was back then already obvious that he was a failed and very unlawful president ruling by executive order!

Clinton would have been a disaster as president! She was an unaccomplished senator and secretary of state. Her scandals and perjuries are too numerous to list here. This is hopefully the end of the criminal Clinton clan in American politics! As president she would not have had any respect from foreign leaders since she did not remember what C stands for and other such blunders!

Probably Brexit paved the way! The former colonial power revolted against the super centralized supranational European Union!

Truly disappointing, no landslide victory like Ronald Reagan before!

Trump demonstrated that a novice to public office, a businessman, and a non career politician can win an election against all odds and against even strong opposition from within his own party! This is ought to be invigorating to all Western democracies, which have been in crisis for at least a decade or so.

Trump won despite spending much less on his campaign, despite lack of support from celebrities, despite a significantly smaller campaign staff. He won although he never disclosed his income tax returns!

Now let’s hope Trump can achieve most of what he has set out to do! Dramatically cut the federal deficit and federal debt! Reduce the enormous size and power of federal government! Restore federalism! Restore the military! Freeze and reduce significantly the ever expanding federal regulations and laws! Nominate originalist and liberty loving supreme court justices! Ignite American prosperity for all and vigorous economic growth and so much more!

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