Saturday, October 31, 2015

What Is Atheism?

Posted: 10/31/2015  Updated: 7/20/2018, 7/18/2018, 4/22/2017

Update Of 7/18/2018

Atheism is not only the least plausible of all religions, it is probably also a very irrational one.

Just ask an atheist to explain:
  1. Ex nihilo nihil (from nothing nothing)
  2. Why is there such a beauty among the living (all forms of life), the universe, and mathematics? Could it be that a creator has been involved?  
  3. Why most people would agree that on balance the good wins over the evil in our lives and over time. Is this just make belief or wishful thinking or is this perhaps a deeper principle. If latter, then an atheist would have some difficulty to explain why the balance is not neutral or why evil does not win
  4. The value of life and human life in particular? I am afraid that too many self proclaimed atheists probably turn out to be misanthropes

Update Of 4/22/2017

Saw a quote today on Facebook attributed to commentator Charles Krauthammer: “Atheism is the least plausible of all theologies”
I could not have said it any better!

Original Post

The short answer is: Atheism is itself a faith or a religion!

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