Friday, May 31, 2013

Europe Is In Love With Backwardedness

Monsanto Company Pulls Out

At least one company has the guts!

Today (5/31/2013), the highly educated Luddites of Europe were probably triumphant when Monsanto announced to leave the European market with its genetically modified crops (read here (German language), here).

European Navel Gazing & Risk Aversion

These European worry warts are aiding and abeting in slowing down a revolution in human progress like never seen before. Nobody would argue to put safeguards in place, but the European notion of precautionary principle (read here) and other dubious, environmental concerns are not much but academic superstition or sophistry.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Quintessence Of Studying Obsolete Scientific Theories

Global Warming Ether

Sooner or later historians will finally write off this episode of human history as a panic or alarmism and as one of the greatest hoaxes of our times. Wikipedia (if still around) will list it as one of so many obsolete scientific theories.

Like the famous ancient philosophers and medieval alchemists who so fervently believed in ether or the quintessence, today’s scientists (who supposedly represent the scientific consensus) will be proven wrong.

To Teach STEM Education
Without History Of Obsolete Scientific Theories
Is Irresponsible

I have previously written about this subject here, here.

To advance genuine, true scientific progress it is of paramount importance for today’s and future scientists as well as the general population to be aware of/familiar with scientific follies and orthodoxies.

To instill sound skepticism towards science in people is an important goal by itself. Proclaiming scientific knowledge is often not much more than a pretense to impress contemporaries.

Scientists are not disinterested, benevolent human beings. They are as greedy, foolish, and prejudiced like the rest of us.

To The Dismissive Reader

To those who easily dismiss this blog post by reasoning something like that Aristotle, Plato, or the alchemists were no scientists after all: Let’s remind them that these were some of the most preeminent minds of their time and some of them remained highly influential long after their demise.

The Law Of Merchant As An Antidote To Big Government

A Circuitous Route

Intellectual endeavors are not always following a straight line. To be open minded and receptive to new ideas or unusual discoveries is most helpful. You never know where you find some nuggets.

I stumbled upon this subject while reading an article about one of John Keats poems, i.e. in “Binding the Muse” published on 3/22/2013 in the Freeman of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).

The Less We Know About History The More Big Government Can Grow

You can bet that lawyers (officers of the court of justice), law schools, and judges do not want us to know more about it or we would discover that these people have carved out lucrative sinecures for themselves like medieval guilds.

Is Administering Justice A Genuine And Exclusive Function Of Government?

I would guess, today most people would without hesitation strongly answer in the affirmative. However, how were e.g. civil disputes resolved before the prevalence of the modern government run justice system? This blog post tries to shed some light on this subject.

The more I learn about this subject by studying history serious doubts abound. While studying economics I came e.g. across the famous essay by Ronald H. Coase about lighthouses in England titled "The Lighthouse in Economics", which challenged the then prevalent view that light houses were a public good.

Brief Overview Of The Law Of Merchant

Also known as Lex mercatoria “is the body of commercial law used by merchants throughout Europe during the medieval period. It evolved similar to English common law as a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system of merchant courts along the main trade routes. It functioned as the international law of commerce. It emphasized contractual freedom and alienability of property, while shunning legal technicalities and deciding cases ex aequo et bono. A distinct feature was the reliance by merchants on a legal system developed and administered by them. States or local authorities seldom interfered, and did not interfere a lot in internal domestic trade. Under lex mercatoria, trade flourished and states took in large amounts of taxation.” (emphasis added).

“[T]he merchants needed to solve their disputes rapidly, sometimes on the hour, with the least costs and by the most efficient means. … The lex mercatoria provided quick and effective justice. This was possible through informal proceedings, with liberal procedural rules. The lex mercatoria rendered proportionate judgments over the merchants’ disputes, in light of "fair price", good commerce, and equity.
Judges were chosen according to their commercial background and practical knowledge. Their reputation rested upon their perceived expertise in merchant trade and their fair-mindedness.”

Borderless Law & Justice

Maybe one of the greatest advantages was its international applicability irrespective of territorial jurisdictions governed by monarchies, nations etc. Unfortunately, the rise of the nation state and the expansion of big government have displaced these early beginnings of voluntarily administered and abided global laws.

An Economic Paper About The Law Of Merchant

Noble prize winner Douglas C. North in collaboration with Paul R. Milgrom and Barry R. Weingast wrote together “The Role Of Institutions In The Revival Of Trade: The Law Merchant, Private Judges, And The Champagne Fairs” published in March of 1990.
Salient quotes from the paper (emphasis added):
·         “… in the time of the revival of trade in Europe during the early middle ages. At that time, without the benefit of state enforcement of contracts or an established body of commercial law, merchants evolved their own private code of laws (the Law Merchant) with disputes adjudicated by a judge who might be a local official or a private merchant. While hearings were held to resolve disputes under the code, the judges had only limited powers to enforce judgments against merchants from distant places.”
·         “… the evolution of the La Mercatoria or Law Merchant - the legal codes governing commercial transactions and administered by private judges drawn from the commercial ranks. While practice varied across time and space, by the end of the 11th century, the Law Merchant came to govern most commercial transactions in Europe, providing a uniform set of standards across large numbers of locations ….”
·         “While the governments of towns supported the development of markets and were intimately involved in developing merchant law …, they often could not provide merchants protection outside their immediate area.* Nor could they enforce judgments against foreign merchants who had left town prior to a case being heard. Thus, merchant law developed prior to the rise of a geographically extensive nation-state.”
·         “The Law Merchant and related legal codes evolved considerably over time. In addition to providing a court of law especially suited for merchants, it fostered significant legal developments that reduced the transaction costs of exchange …. As agency relationships became common - whether between partners in different locations or between a sedentary merchant who financed a traveling one - a new set of rules governing these agreements was required. The same also held for the new practices of credit agreements and insurance. Here, we note the development of law covering agency relations …, bills of exchange, and insurance ….”

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Highest German Civilian Court Against Google Or Misguided Justice In The Internet Age


People in Germany are beginning to wake up to this recent, ludicruous decision by the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH, Federal High Court of Justice). My home town newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published (5/28/2013) a sharply-worded critique (German language) of its decision against Google. The headline of this article speaks for itself “Mit dem Google-Urteil hat sich der Bundesgerichtshof verrannt” (Loosely translated: The court got carried away).

The author of the critique pointed out that the High Court erroneously classified Google as a content provider under the Telemediengesetz (telemedia act). As a content provider Google is fully responsible for any content, including autocompleted search terms. Thus, the decision exposes Google to significant liability risks.

Do Middle-Aged Justices Understand Computer Algorithms?

Recently, the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal High Court of Justice) sentenced (German language, article published on 5/14/2013) Google to prevent potential, unintended slander brought about by the autocomplete function of its search engine. How can a computer algorithms slander another person unless a mischievous programmer was involved?

To their saving grace, the justices required that any person who feels disparaged by the autocomplete function first has to contact Google to address their grievance. Only if Google does not respond, it may be held liable.

The Plaintiffs’ Cases

The plaintiff was an online cosmetics firm whose name or products were associated by Google with words like “scientology” or “fraud”.

Another plaintiff is the ex wife of the former German President, who sued because her name was associated with “prostitute” or other unflattering terms about her past. However, at the time there were rumors of this kind swirling around in the media etc.

The Chilling Effect

Now Google has to go back and scrutinize its algorithms for potential slanderous search term combinations to prevent future suits?

Or do human employees at Google or third parties hired by Google have to constantly monitor possible search term combinations?

What if Google disagrees with a person or company claiming its search terms were slanderous?

Chinese Espionage Against The US Is A Blessing In Disguise

Major Chinese Espionage Revealed By Pentagon

As I read today (5/29/2013) in the Neue Zuericher Zeitung (german language), the Pentagon just acknowledged major thefts of high value military weapon systems secrets by Chinese spies.

Why Did The Evil Empire End Up On The Dust Heap Of History?

To put it succinctly, the command and control, totalitarian dictatorship known as the former Soviet Union in the end could not keep up with the USA or the West despite decades long theft of knowledge and intensive espionage (e.g. Venona project, Klaus Fuchs etc.).

Sun Tzu Meets Uncle Sam

Communist China is aspiring to become a global power and to assert itself whenever desired. Not surprisingly, they challenge the USA in any way possible not unlike the USSR during the Cold War.

The USA has become again a nation in unnecessary self doubt about recent military campaigns in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The current US President is a naive proponent of Zero Nukes.

The once roaring US economy is a shadow of its former self at least since 2000 with overall paltry economic growth and two recessions since then. Big government at every level have subjected the economy to European style statism and bloated welfare programs. Mired in fiscal profligacy and overloaded with public debt, the US maybe viewed as a paper tiger from across the Pacific.

A Blessing In Disguise

Ronald Reagan said that freedom is never one generation away from extinction. Let me add that a free market economy is even less than a generation away from being dismantled by our big government political class that does neither appreciate nor understand the benefits of a free market economy and limited government.

Thanks be to China to rattle the USA at this juncture to wake up, restore, and continue the Great, Exceptional Experiment!

Tesla Motors Primarily Profits From Selling Government Mandated Zero Emission Credits

Government Electric Motors

You wonder why the stock recently soared? The Wall Street Journal on its Opinion Page enlightened us with an article aptly titled “The Other Government Motors” published on 5/24/2013.

To quote from the article:
·         “Tesla's biggest windfall has been the cash payments it extracts from rival car makers (and their customers), via its sale of zero-emission credits.”
·         “A Morgan Stanley … report in April said Tesla made $40.5 million on credits in 2012, and that it could collect $250 million in 2013. Tesla acknowledged in a recent SEC filing that emissions credit sales hit $85 million in 2013's first quarter alone—15% of its revenue, and the only reason it made a profit.”

A Brief Remark On Zero Emission Credits

This is another attempt how big government tries to fool its citizens. Electric cars are anything but zero emission. To produce and maintain one vehicle and all its parts or to recharge its batteries etc., I bet you, the emissions necessary are very similar to conventional cars.

Lavish Government Loans & Subsidies On Top

Only the affluent can afford these vehicles at a sticker price of $70,000 or higher and they receive significant government subsidies for buying them. If that is not income inequality, even caused by government, what is?

To quote from the article:
·         “In 2009 the company received a $465 million Obama loan guarantee, supplemented last year by a $10 million grant from the California Energy Commission.”
·         “Any U.S. buyer of a Tesla car qualifies for a $7,500 federal tax credit, while states like Colorado throw in up to $6,000 more in state income-tax credits.”

This is shameful and should be stopped immediately!

The Business Of America Is Private Business Not Government Business

Too few elected representatives of public service employees have any foggy idea of running a business or free market economics.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Federal Reserve Undermines Credit Markets

Another Sign That Ben Bernanke
Ought To Step Down ASAP

I have in other, previous blog posts argued that Ben Bernanke is perhaps the worst Fed Chairman in its now 100 year history (here, here, here, here, here). Maybe I am already a bit obsessive with this guy in my blog posts, but he and his predecessor are perhaps the foremost culprits for massive government failure that caused and prolonged the Great Recession.

However, this man does not take responsibility for the worst recession and recovery in decades!

The Fed Squeezed The Repo Market

Thanks to a Wall Street Journal opinion page piece by Andy Kessler titled “The Fed Squeezes the Shadow-Banking System” (subscription required) published on 5/23/2013 I became aware of this issue.

The article uses the term “rehypothecation”, while for the purposes of this blog I chose the term “repurchase agreement”. I may be ignorant about the differences, but I am not a financial economist and I am pressed for time.

To summarize the article, due to the aggressive buying of large amounts of Treasuries (the Fed holds about $1.8 trillion of US Treasury bonds) and mortgage backed securities, the market for repurchase agreements is partially dried up. According to the article such repurchase agreements are similar in effect as the fractional reserve banking multiplier on credit and money availability in the economy. In particular, highly liquid and fungible Treasury securities serve as collateral in repurchase agreements.

Thus, it is very likely that the Fed has acted counterproductive rather than stimulating the economy it throttled it. There are so many things that this preeminent economist, i.e. Ben Bernanke, does not understand about economics.

Monday, May 27, 2013

British Factory Acts Revisited

Investigating The Beginnings Of Big Government

In my quest to find the origins of why big government in Western countries has become ever so expansive and pervasive I came to the realization you have to go way back in history.

Previously, I have posted a blog post about British Chimney Sweeper Acts.

The Acts

During the 19th century Great Britain passed about 10 such Acts to protect children, later women and to limit the number of work hours per day. The other component of the early Acts was healthier work conditions.

Between the first such Act in 1802 until the Act of 1844, these Acts provided child labor protection. Beginning with the Act of 1844 similar protections were extended to women.

The Act of 1802 mandated that (Source):
·         “mills and factories provide proper ventilation and required a minimum standard of cleanliness.  … All apprentices were to be educated in reading, writing and arithmetic for the first four years of their apprenticeship. The Act specified that this should be done every working day within usual working hours but did not state how much time should be set aside for it.”
·         “Each apprentice was to be given two sets of clothing, suitable linen, stockings, hats, and shoes, and a new set each year thereafter.”

Why does government coerce specific private businesses to pay and provide for education?
Why did government make such specific prescriptions as what clothing is to be provided to an apprentice? This is a form of partial expropriation or a form of taxation applied to certain businesses. Did other apprentices in non regulated businesses enjoy such benefits?

The Act of 1844 mandated among other things more government control over businesses by:
·         “Ages must be verified by surgeons.
·         Accidental death must be reported to a surgeon and investigated.
·         Thorough records must be kept regarding the provisions of the act.
·         Machinery was to be fenced in.” (Wikipedia)

Each work week contained 63 hours effective 1847 and was reduced to 58 hours effective 1848. In 1850, no longer could employers decide the hours of work. The workday was changed to correspond with the maximum number of hours that women and children could work. Children and Women could only work from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the summer and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the winter. All work would end on Saturday at 2 p.m.. The work week was extended from 58 hours to 60 hours.

The Acts first covered only the textile industry, soon after other industries, later all industries.


Why were specific employers not prosecuted when working conditions were shown to lead to outbreaks of diseases? As happened in one of Sir Robert Peel’s factories.
Why were specific employers not prosecuted if neglect led to serious accidents in factories?
Was it really necessary to limit the workday to 10 hours uniformly? Would not have a maximum work hours per day for adults have sufficed? Why were work hours for adult women limited to certain times of the day?
Was it necessary to make very specific prescriptions as to how to enhance work place safety? Would not have best practices developed over time etc. and prosecution of offenders affected about the same result?
How many factory owners were actually ruthless to justify such sweeping legislation?
And so on …

Herbert Spencer On The Coming Slavery

To quote from the same name chapter of his book titled “The Man Versus State” (Emphasis added):
“Neither did those who in 1834 passed an Act regulating the labour of women and children in certain factories, imagine that the system they were beginning would end in the restriction and inspection of labour in all kinds of producing establishments where more than fifty people are employed; nor did they conceive that the inspection provided would grow to the extent of requiring that before a "young person" is employed in a factory, authority must be given by a certifying surgeon, who, by personal examination (to which no limit is placed) has satisfied himself that there is no incapacitating disease or bodily infirmity … The blank form of an inquiry daily made is-"We have already done this; why should we not do that  " And the regard for precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on regulative legislation. Having had brought within their sphere of operation more and more numerous businesses, the Acts restricting hours of employment and dictating the treatment of workers are now to be made applicable to shops. From inspecting lodging-houses to limit the numbers of occupants and enforce sanitary conditions, we have passed to inspecting all houses below a certain rent in which there are members of more than one falnily, and are nowT passing to a kindred inspection of all small houses.* The buying and working of telegraphs by the State is made a reason for urging that the State should buy and work the railways. Supplying children with food for their minds by public agency is being followed ill some cases by supplying food for their bodies; and after the practice has been made gradually more general, we may anticipate that the supply,now proposed to be made gratis in the one case, will· eventually be proposed to be made gratis in the other: the argument that good bodies as well as good minds are needful to luake good citizens, being logically urged as a reason for the extension. … Failure does not destroy faith in the agencies employed, but merely suggests more stringent use of such agencies or wider ramifications of them.”

Acts To Eliminate Competition

Is it just pure coincidence that some of the most prominent advocates of these laws ran big businesses of the kind to be regulated? Follow the money trail.

Mr. “John Fielden (17 January 1784 – 29 May 1849), also known as Honest John Fielden, was a British social reformer and benefactor. … With his brothers, he expanded the family cotton business at Todmorden to become a wealthy businessman. … The Fieldens owned many mills … They spent £34,000 on the latest cotton-spinning equipment, and it created thousands of jobs. The mill consumed more raw cotton than any other firm in the country at the time.” (Wikipedia).

“On his father's death in 1811, Fielden and his brothers inherited the family cotton-spinning business at Todmorden, which became one of the greatest manufacturing concerns in Great Britain. Unlike most mill owners, Fielden soon became a supporter of legislation to protect factory labour.” (Encyclopedia Britannica).

The famous “Sir Robert Peel, who employed more children than any other cotton master in Great Britain, promoted the bill in response to his concerns regarding the children working in his mills. Peel felt that there was "gross mismanagement" in his factories, and as he could not find time to remedy this himself he proposed an Act of Parliament to address these concerns.” (Wikipedia). Because the famous Sir Peel did not have enough time to remedy mismanagement in his own mills? Give me a break!

In modern parlance this is called leveling the playing field.

British Chimney Sweepers and Chimneys Regulation Acts Revisited

Investigating The Beginnings Of Big Government

In my quest to find the origins of why big government in Western countries has become ever so expansive and pervasive I came to the realization you have to go way back in history.

Neither Democracy Nor The Rule Of Law Prevent Or Even Limit Big Government

Anyone who seriously believes that is delusional and ignorant of the facts and history.

The Acts

In 1834, 1840, 1867 and 1875 Britain passed three successive Acts to prohibit boys from working as chimney sweepers. The motivation for these Acts was noble: “Many climbing boys were illegitimate who had been sold by their parents. They suffered from scorched and lacerated skin, their eyes and throats filled with soot, with the danger of suffocation and their occupational disease—cancer of the scrotum.” (Source).

However, to enforce these Acts annual licensing was required and the enforcement by police as well as government inspections. Thus, these Acts, as so many others ever since, became more and more intrusive and interventionist to achieve their goal.

One should take note that a particular industry was singled out here, one that probably did not have a good reputation or high esteem in society.


The proponents of these Acts saw it necessary to use the full coercive power of the state to enforce uniform public policy across entire industries. Was this really necessary or the only solution available at the time?

Why were chimneys not built in such a way that adults could clean them?
Why did government not promote research into better, e.g. more mechanical methods of cleaning chimneys?
Why were not those prosecuted who had their chimneys cleaned by child chimney sweepers?
Why was the law not limited to criminalize those businesses who hired boy sweepers or who endangered them recklessly?
Were these alternatives not practical or feasible? Why?

When these boys were sold by their parents to a master sweep, why did the government or charities etc. not buy them?
There is more to the story behind these children (see e.g. Wikipedia).

Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury

He was “one of the most effective social and industrial reformers in 19th-century England” (Encyclopedia Britannica). When the Acts were not enforced effectively beyond London, “this led to the foundation of the Climbing-Boys' Society with Ashley as its chairman.” I could not immediately find more information on this Society, but I wonder whether it could not have heightened awareness of this and ameliorate this issue without the coercive powers of government.

We also read: “After Shaftesbury discovered that a boy chimney sweep was living behind his house in Brock Street, London, he rescued the child and sent him to "the Union School at Norwood Hill, where, under God's blessing and special merciful grace, he will be trained in the knowledge and love and faith of our common Saviour".” (Source).
Why did he do this not more often? Why did not other likeminded people do it more frequently?

Further, “In February 1875 a twelve-year-old boy … was sent up … Hospital chimneys by his master …. He stuck and smothered. The entire wall had to be pulled down to get him out and although he was still alive, he died shortly afterwards. There was a Coroner’s Inquest which returned a verdict of manslaughter. [The master] was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour. Lord Shaftesbury seized on the incident to press his campaign again. He wrote a series of letters to The Times and in September 1875 pushed another Bill through Parliament which finally stopped the practice of sending boys up chimneys.” (Source).
Why did he not seize on this incident to press for harsher punishment of such employers?

Far Reaching Consequences – The Spiral Of Interventions

Child labor protection by itself was certainly a sensible and overdue social reform. The means chosen are debatable. However, at about the same time also adult women were protected whether they wanted it or not. Soon after work days were uniformly limited to first 10 hours and later less for all workers and businesses. Since these reforms were widely accepted so it is being claimed and since their opponents were defeated, more and more labor protection laws were enacted in the course of history. This progressed to our days with labor laws in e.g. Germany, Italy, or France of such a kind that firing or changing working conditions is very difficult or nearly impossible. Government working conditions are even more generous.

Even worse, individual freedom and responsibility were severely subverted; property rights of business owners were trampled; and freedom of contract was violated. Such damage that ill conceived social reforms have done to our societies is very difficult to undo. The status quo has become enshrined without second thought.

Mary Poppins Movie

This movie actually features chimney sweepers on London roofs in an almost glorifying way. Just watch this subversive, highly anti Capitalist movie again.

The film “… has an extended dance sequence in which the jovial workers celebrate the end of the workday with fearless acrobatics. Their leader, "Bert", played by Dick van Dyke, sings "Chim Chim Cher-ee" which won the Oscar for "Best Song" in 1965.” (Source).

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mobile Skype For Android Sucks

Posted: 12/14/2013 Last update: 3/5/2016

Update As Of 3/5/2016 & 3/6/2016

In the meantime, my phone is still the same, i.e. Motorola Moto X (1st gen.), but my Android is updated to version 5.1.

Over the past two months or so, I noticed that the available functionality is not working properly. I turn available on, but Skype turns it off again immediately despite several tries and despite restarting app and despite having installed several Skype updates followed by phone reboots over this time period. Microsoft never learns ...

Nothing has improved as far as ringing is concerned. Skype still does not properly ring when you expect it or it is not noticeable.

What annoys me too is that Skype since about the last six month or so does not show time stamps anymore when a message was sent or received. It only shows that today or any other day in the past there was a call. I find it quite important to see immediately when a contact of mine attempted to call or when I tried last to call a contact.

Update As Of 7/22/2014

For several months now, Microsoft has not offered any update.

What drives me mad is that this stupid mobile Skype on my Motorola Moto X with Android 4.4.2 installed does not audibly ring when someone calls me on Skype although I have turned on all notifications in Skype and I have checked sound settings and app settings.

Update As Of 11/12/2013

If I am not mistaken, Skype offered another update which I installed past Friday (11/8/2013) and I rebooted afterwards, but the application still frequently dies when opened. Plus, invoking Skype also caused my phone to reboot suddenly. This is the only app on my phone that does this.

Update As Of 11/1/2013

Skype still stinks despite latest update! Video calls crash! Starting the app results in app restarting in an odd way!

An Update

As of today (9/12/2013), I can still report that mobile Skype sucks. Despite several updates in recent times (incl. at least one major one) after several months without any updates, it still not possible to end a conversation, because the controls for that are not visible on the screen nor are they accessible through the menu. This stinks!

Letting Steam Off

I usually do not blog about specific technology issues, but I need to let some steam off not least because I am a software developer myself.

My Great Experience In The Past

I have been using Skype on my notebook for many years and I have been very happy with this software. I usually make a lot of long distance calls across the Atlantic Ocean. Video calls work very well most of the times. Since so many dissidents in foreign countries used, we know it was fairly secure to use, because their servers were located in Luxembourg or so and the encryption was difficult to hack.

Lousy Experience With Skype On HTC Smart Phone With Android

My HTC Evo phone is just over two years old. Here is my gripe with Skype:
1.       For several months, Skype has not released any updates or new versions to fix issues
2.       When I place a call, the ringtone is so low that a hearing aid would not suffice
3.       When I receive a call nothing pops up to let me know and accept the call
4.       Too often, the software crashes when I accept a video call
5.       And so on …

Microsoft - The Evil Empire Again?

Microsoft purchased Skype for princely sum of $8.5 billion in 2011. What is Microsoft actually doing with Skype? Are Android users getting short shrifted for Windows Phone users?

IMF Managing Director Believes Our Children Will Be Grilled, Fried, Toasted And Roasted

Was Ms. Lagarde In Jest Or Serious?

When asked recently during an interview “What are the risks of not addressing climate change?”.
Ms. Christine Lagarde had only following to say: “Our kids will be grilled, fried, toasted and roasted.”
Unfortunately, the interviewer did not follow up on her stunning remark.

This interview was published by Wall Street Journal on May 17, 2013 titled “Questions, Questions/En Garde! As head of IMF, Christine Lagarde must be ready for any financial crisis. What worries her now?”.

Climate Change Scaremongers In High Office

What does Ms. Christine Lagarde of the French elite know about the greatest hoax of our time that we don’t?

If these remarks were not uttered in jest of some kind, a global warming alarmist is heading the IMF.