Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Revolution From The Top In France

The Last French Revolution Was From The Bottom

The famous predecessor of 1789 that wiped out the Ancient Regime was not least caused by punishing taxation of lower classes in France. This time it is perhaps the affluent citoyens who protest against consfiscatory tax increases imposed by the new socialist French President Francois Hollande. Mr. Hollande appears to be a remanent of the Ancient Regime since he did not learn the lessons of 1789.

Mr. Hollande during his election campaign advocated, e.g. a 75% tax on high income earners and raising taxes on capital gains and household wealth. This is legalized plunder by big government.

A One Man Resistance

French actor Gerard Depardieu in an open letter surrendered his French passport and social security after the French government made derogatory remarks about him. Mr. Darpadieu apparently grew up in humble circumstances before he became a nouveau riche through his career.

Mr. Depardieu told the public that he paid about €145 million in taxes over his 45 year long career and employed about 80 people in his business.

Mr. Depardieu is not the only rich French citoyen to leave France after the imposition of new, confiscatory taxes aimed at the rich citizens of France. Usually, the rich citoyens remain silent as not to attract the orchestrated violence of the mob or for other reasons when they protest, but Mr. Depardieu chose to be more outspoken. Bravo! Something for Hollywood actors to learn from.

Moving Across The Border

Mr. Depardieu moved from France into a small town in Belgium, i.e. Néchin, next to the French-Belgian border ostensibly protesting the latest confiscatory tax hikes. The French government calls him a tax evader, but he is more like a political dissident.

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