Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why Mitt Romney So Awfully Failed!

Sandy Was Romney’s Opportunity To Shine

Besides being way too vague and timid on policy issues or his reform plans, he missed his opportunity when superstorm Sandy hit the north east coast. Mitt Romney turned out to be as timid as those too big to fail bank CEOs who were arm twisted by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

A Mormon Without Charity When It Counts

Did nobody advise Mitt Romney to write immediately a check of one million dollars to the Red Cross or other aid organizations in the wake of Sandy? This would have been one heck of a photo op.

If the some of the richest Americans commit half of their billions of dollars of their wealth to good causes why couldn’t he seize the opportunity?

Fuel Trucks Anybody?

Why did Romney not immediately buy hundreds of fuel trucks to help the victims of Sandy to fill up their cars? Each truck could have been emblazoned with “Vote For Romney!”. Thus, he would have proven leadership and that one man alone can outdo the federal and state governments.

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