Friday, January 27, 2012

The Agitprop Of “Millionaires And Billionaires”

Absurd Minimum Taxes

In his latest State of the Union address the President asked for new minimum taxes on the rich and businesses. Does he not know that this never worked. The current Alternative Minimum Tax is a disaster.

A President Of Demagoguery

President Obama is a cheap agitator and propagandist befitting a community organizer. In these hard times, he appeals to envy and to the age-old accusation that rich people acquired their wealth immorally or perhaps even illegally.
In this respect, President Obama is a demagogue.

He is merely trying to cover up his ineptitude to come up with a free market oriented economic policy that promotes broadly based economic growth and better living conditions for all.

A Squanderer Of A Lifetime Opportunity

It is amazing to witness that a smart and talented guy like Barack Obama so squanders such a lifetime opportunity to be the POTUS. His enormous ideological straightjacket prevents him from being or becoming a great President of the people of America and the world. History will only mention him as the first black president.

Judged By The Content Of His Character

Martin L. King said a man should be judged by the content of his character. He will be judged come November.
What a disappointment to MLK were he still alive.

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