Saturday, December 17, 2011

Basel Accords (I, II, III) – Classic Examples Of Government Failure

Safety Of Mortgages & Sovereign Debt Conveniently Presumed

If it is true that that the early Basel Accords strongly presumed that mortgages or sovereign debt were safe, then these are dramatic examples of colossal government failure. Worse, these were self-serving presumptions to support certain notions of public policy like the promotion of widespread home ownership and politicians’ unrestricted access to finance their prerogatives (pet projects).

Government Debt Has A Credit Risk Weight Of Zero

Basel I of 1988 primarily focused on credit risk. Assets of banks were classified and grouped in five categories according to credit risk. , carrying risk weights of zero (for example home country sovereign debt)

I am sure that elected politicians think of themselves as responsible acting people who know how to handle other people’s money. If history is any guide, this is pure baloney. Elected politicians cannot be trusted with our money.

Causing The Great Recession

The latest financial crisis (2007-2008) was not least caused by such stupid, politically motivated presumptions that were enshrined in the Basel Accords.

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