Thursday, January 16, 2025

Climate Change’s Connection to Rising Obesity. Really!

What is not linked to climate change? 

I suspect, e.g. that most Vikings were also obese during the Medieval Warm Period!

This article refers to a research study, which most likely is also a piece of junk science (see below). Correlation is not causation!

"... A 1°C rise in temperature in developing countries has been associated with a 4% rise in the BMI of children and a 2% increase in the BMI of women, according to a 2021 Global Food Security analysis. ..."

From the abstract:
"Climate change and obesity are two major concerns for policy makers globally, but can climate change be a driver of obesity? This is what our analysis tries to establish. To this purpose, we exploit inter-annual variations of the Body Mass Index (BMI) for children and adults in 134 countries over 39 years, to study to what extent changes in air temperature and precipitations affect obesity. Using panel data econometrics and exploiting both within- and cross-country variations in BMI, we uncovered a robust U-shaped association between temperature and the BMI of girls, boys and women, but failed to detect any significant effect of precipitations. Our analysis also reveals that the impact of temperature on BMI, particularly for girls and women, is robust to the inclusion of other determinants of obesity stressed by the existing literature, such as GDP per capita, fertility, and agricultural productivity, suggesting that mean air temperature is directly associated with, and may have an independent effect on, BMI."

Global Health NOW: Climate Change’s Connection to Rising Obesity; Bye Bye Red Dye; and Laziness for Achievers

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