Saturday, December 14, 2024

Women with high levels of ‘interoception’ orgasm more often. The secret of the female orgasm may have been revealed . Really!

Why use big latin words to describe a simple, long known fact that frigid women or guilt driven women or women subjected to religious or cultural  orthodoxy may not quite have the pleasure. Or how about old fashioned trust, closeness, intimacy, and love as having some influence!

Unfortunately, the article below and the research article both use the ideological and phony woke term "people who identify as women"! Absolutely terrible! Shame on them! 

Three of the four authors of this study are women themselves or shall we call them people who identify as women!

If my memory serves me well, there were serious struggles in the 1950s and 1960s or so in Western countries to demonstrate and establish that women have intense orgasms too comparable to men and/or different from men. The struggle succeeded back then already!

However, the authors of this new study almost want you to believe that the female orgasm is still a taboo in Western societies!  What a joke!

Since 1950s or so, the upbringing of girls and sex education in Western countries has changed a lot for the better.

5.3% of the 318 respondents of this study were not women, but trans men or non-binary! I guess, these are the signs or manias of our time! Science follows fashion! It would not have crossed my mind to muddy the study by including these individuals! DEI must die!

This study suggests that self stimulation (masturbation?) or "solitary orgasm" without partner seems to be of "greater frequency and satisfaction".

"A new study investigating the female orgasm has found that women have more frequent and satisfying climaxes when they have high levels of “interoception” – the ability to focus on and sense body sensations such as heartbeat and touch. ...
The majority of respondents were cisgender women (94.7%), 2 were trans men (0.6%), and 17 (4.7%) identified as non-binary with female sex assigned at birth. .."

"... Researchers led by the University of Essex found that women climax more frequently if they have high levels of an inward-looking sense known as interoception. ...

discovered women who noticed and attend to internal bodily signals– like heartbeats, breathing, and sensual touch sensations - have more frequent orgasms. ...

“Our study empirically demonstrates that women need to get out of their heads and into their bodies in order to have more frequent and satisfying orgasms. ..."

From the abstract:
The female orgasm is a highly understudied phenomenon [??? Really!] that is linked to both wellbeing and relationship satisfaction in women. Although orgasm has been associated with interoception—the sense of the physiological condition of the body—very few studies have directly examined the influence that interoception has on orgasm.
This study investigates how the subjective experience of one’s interoceptive capacities (called interoceptive awareness) is associated with self-reported orgasm frequency and satisfaction in people who identify as women [Grrrr!!!! Cringe!].
In a dataset of 318 women, orgasm frequency and satisfaction were both rated significantly higher for solitary as compared to partnered sexual experiences. Results:
Analysis of how dimensions of interoceptive awareness correlated with orgasm frequency and satisfaction showed that
(1) ‘Noticing’ predicted orgasm frequency (but not satisfaction) across both solitary and partnered interactions, 
(2) ‘Attention Regulation’ predicted greater frequency and satisfaction of solitary orgasm (but not partnered interactions), and 
(3) ‘Body Trusting’ predicted orgasm satisfaction (but not frequency) across both solitary and partnered contexts.
Findings underscore the importance of moving beyond orgasmic dysfunction research by investigating how interoception is associated with healthy—and potentially even optimal—orgasmic functioning in women."

Women with high levels of ‘interoception’ orgasm more often

Secret of the female orgasm uncovered by psychologists (original news release) "The secret of the female orgasm may have been revealed by scientists in a pioneering study."

Figure 1. Multiple regression analyses. Dimensions of interoception as simultaneous predictors of orgasm frequency (top row) and satisfaction (bottom row).

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