Friday, December 13, 2024

Denmark Passes the World’s First cows and pigs ‘Fart and burp Tax’. Really!

Most of the times, the Danish people are very level headed and commonsensical! Not in this case! Denmark's population is under 6 million.

Danes leave the happy cows and pigs alone! (borrowed from Pink Floyd)

The Danish people should be already concerned when they become a laughing stock thanks to New York Times headlines! Hopefully, next the vote for a better government!

"... Danish government has nevertheless finally settled on levying farmers 300 kroners (~$43) per ton for carbon dioxide emissions, ramping to $106 per ton by 2035. As is the case with many of these farm-targeted green interventions ..."

"... That’s because there are five times as many pigs and cows in Denmark as there are people. Nearly two-thirds of its land is taken up by farming. ..."

Denmark Passes the World’s First ‘Fart Tax’—But This is No Laughing Matter | The Daily Economy

Taxing Farm Animals’ Farts and Burps? Denmark Gives It a Try. (NYT, published 11/26/2024) "Cows and pigs produce a large share of planet-warming methane [???]. A new tax is part of a plan to clean that up."

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