Saturday, November 23, 2024

RoBoa slithers to discover victims of disasters in difficult to access, confined spaces

Good news!

From Switzerland, the snake that saves lives! 

Maybe in the near future, this snake will offer Swiss chocolate to survivors! Just kidding!

RoBoa slithers through disaster zones too dangerous for other robots "When disaster strikes, drones and robots can be sent into danger zones to scout for survivors. The RoBoa from a student team at ETH Zurich is designed to snake its way through debris that would stop other solutions in their tracks."

The snake that saves lives (original news release) "An ETH Zurich team of engineers has developed RoBoa – a snake-like robot with the ability to grow in length and slither into the most inaccessible places."

Going where nobody goes! "The robotic revolution to save disaster victims and inspect confined spaces! RoBoa goes where no other robots, drones, or humans can go!"

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