Friday, August 09, 2024

For the First Time, Women Make Up 50% of Caltech's Incoming Undergraduate Class. Really!

Bad news! Sounds more like damned gender quotas to me!

Men watch out in the battle of the sexes! Women want the best jobs for themselves and let men continue to do the dirty work!

When ideology trumps meritocracy!

"This accomplishment is the result of sustained efforts to improve gender equity on campus and in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). For the past several decades, the Institute has piloted strategic initiatives [also called hidden gender quota] to recruit and retain women to ensure equal access to education and to increase diversity among the undergraduate class. ..."

For the First Time, Women Make Up 50% of Caltech's Incoming Undergraduate Class - "In a historic milestone [???] for Caltech, the incoming undergraduate class will comprise 50% women. The class of 2028 is the first to reach gender parity since the Institute began admitting female undergraduates in 1970, and includes 113 women and 109 men, according to admissions data."

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