Tuesday, June 04, 2024

“The Market Is Ourselves”: Argentine President Milei Explains His Approach To Freedom At Hoover

Recommendable! Very refreshing! Vamos, vamos, Argentina!

Apparently, the chainsaw man has indeed consumed the ideas of Mises, Hayek and advocates of liberty!

"Milei recalled his years as an economist with HSBC Argentina and work advising a large pension fund. He explained how he had to remain adaptable to changing market conditions and new ideas and not make assumptions based on static economic models.

“Reality is complex, but when the model doesn’t match reality, you get rid of it,” he said. “You don’t get angry with reality.”

Milei argued that many twenty-first-century leaders see every failure of an economic model as proof of a market failure warranting government intervention.

He added that the state interventions are slowly strangling our ability to generate economic growth.

“Let us not allow the fatally conceited to destroy our lives with regulations.”

Throughout his speech of more than one hour, Milei brought up luminaries who’ve shaped his worldview, including Adam Smith, Friedrich von Hayek, Milton Friedman, Henry Hazlitt, and Murray N. Rothbard. He described how they influenced his view that everything should flow from the promotion of private enterprise and maximum possible growth, and that state intervention often only exacerbates the problem it was intended to solve. ..."

“The Market Is Ourselves”: Argentine President Milei Explains His Approach To Freedom At Hoover | Hoover Institution Stop viewing every inconvenience discovered in the economy as a market failure needing government intervention, Argentine president Javier Milei told a crowd at the Hoover Institution on Wednesday, May 29.

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