Thursday, June 06, 2024

Nano-Tubes transform lead acid batteries into super energy source

If it is confirmed and not hype this could be a very significant breakthrough!

"An Israeli startup has developed a way to make lead acid batteries last four times longer, disrupting a multi-billion-dollar industry and potentially making them the rechargeable – and recyclable – energy storage method of choice around the world. ...
But Salvation Battery discovered that placing carbon nanotubes – tiny, super strong and highly conductive tubular cylinders of carbon atoms – at one end of the lead acid battery makes it last four times longer.  ..."

"... is based on the skillful introduction of carbon-nanotubes into the PAM (Positive Active Material), i.e., one of the electrodes. This eliminates sulfation, which is the primary LAB [lead acid battery] failure mechanism ..."

Nano-Tubes transform lead acid batteries into super energy source

Salvation Battery

An electrode reinforced with company's carbon nanotubes

Company's progress

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