Monday, June 03, 2024

China turns on 'world record' solar farm able to power Luxembourg, but also one third the size of Luxembourg. Really!

What a joke! Plus, solar and wind power is intermittent and unreliable!

The population of Luxembourg is less than 700,000! The area of Luxembourg is about 639,000 acres. Luxembourg is one of the tiniest countries in Europe besides Lichtenstein and Monaco.

A typical large city in China has a population around 10 million or more.

"The world’s largest solar farm, nearly powerful enough to meet the entire electricity demand of Luxembourg, has reportedly been brought online in the desert in northwest China.

The 5GW solar farm, spread over 200,000 acres, came online on Monday, reports Reuters, citing a notice from the asset regulator for the Chinese province of Xinjiang.
The facility will reportedly generate about 6.09 terawatt hours of electricity each year. That is nearly enough to meet the entire electricity demand of Luxembourg – a country of around 650,000 people – which used 6.6 terawatt hours of electricity in 2022"

China turns on 'world record' solar farm big enough to power Luxembourg | Recharge ‘Wow’ was the reaction of Tesla owner Elon Musk to the news [really!]

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