Saturday, February 17, 2024

A 1,300 meters long Tunnel that could lead to Cleopatra's Tomb is 'geometric miracle'

The never ending magic and allure of Cleopatra!

"Beneath the temple ruins of the Egyptian city of Taposiris Magna, archaeologists recently discovered a secret tunnel dubbed the "geometric miracle."The city was founded in Egypt by the Hellenistic king Ptolemy II Philadelphus between 280 and 270 BCE, and its name translates to "The Great Tomb of Osiris" (the god of death in Egyptian mythology). 

The tunnel was discovered 13 meters below the ground by Katharine Martinez, an archaeologist from the Dominican Republic. It measures two meters in height and is carved astonishingly over a length of 1,300 meters in the sandstone of the area. The purpose of this tunnel is still unclear, as parts of it are submerged in water. ...
Archaeologists think they may be close to locating the graves of the doomed lovers Cleopatra and Mark Antony in the Temple of Taposiris Magna west of Alexandria ...
The tunnel has already yielded some treasures: a rectangular block of limestone and fragments of pottery. The archaeologists working at the site estimate that further excavation could provide additional information on whether the new tunnel can lead to the lost tombs. ..."

Tunnel that could lead to Cleopatra's Tomb is 'geometric miracle' - The Jerusalem Post The tunnel was discovered 13 meters below the ground by [Kathleen]  Martinez, an archaeologist from the Dominican Republic.

Tomb raider Kathleen Martinez

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