Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Smokers in England to be offered vaping kits to help them quit cigarettes

The witch hunt on smokers continues! As if vaping was so much healthier! What are e.g. actually the effects of secondary vaping?

What are the ulterior motives here? More vaping business? 

There is no scarcity of human follies!

"Ministers are to urge 1 million smokers to swap cigarettes for vapes, despite increasing alarm about the rise in young people vaping.
Under the new “swap to stop” scheme, vape starter kits will be offered to almost one in five of all smokers in England as part of the government’s “smoke free” drive.
Pregnant women will also be offered up to £400 to stop smoking and a consultation will be launched on introducing mandatory advice on quitting smoking to be placed in cigarette packs. ..."

Smokers in England to be offered vaping kits to help them quit cigarettes | Smoking | The Guardian ‘Swap to stop’ scheme comes despite increasing alarm about rise in young people vaping

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