Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Prosthetic Iron Hand of a 16th-century legendary German Knight

Yes, Götz von Berlichingen is among the most famous knights of Germany. I have once visited his castle many years ago. His famous two prosthetic iron hands are truly marvels!

Unfortunately, the article below contains fairly little about the mechanics or origins of the two iron hands! Very regrettable for a popular science article!

Wikipedia has an article specifically on the two iron hands, but it is avalable in German language only.

With his artificial hand, the knight was still able to conduct combat in battle! With his prosthetic hand he died at age 82. He penned even an autobiography before he died.

"... With a sizable chest of cash after years of looting, von Berlichingen upgraded to a new iron arm. Version 2.0 was splendid, equipped with joints at each knuckle and spring-loaded mechanisms to lock fingers into place, in a manner similar to the ratchet-and-pawl system used in handcuffs. ...
Before he passed away, the Iron Hand penned an autobiography that inspired Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ... to write Götz von Berlichingen, a dramatic play based on Berlichingen’s life published in 1773 ."

The Prosthetic Iron Hand of a 16th-century legendary Cyborg Knight The unbelievable story of a Bavarian knight who lost a hand in battle but gained a mechanical prosthetic hand that was way ahead of its time.

The first and older hand:

The newer and much better second hand:

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