Friday, September 23, 2022

Reason Foundation: The Mar-a-Lago Documents That Trump Claims He Mentally Declassified

The liberty promoting Reason Foundation is mired in Trump Derangement Syndrome!

It is quite obvious that the act of physically taking these documents to his private residence, the former President has in effect declassified these documents!

Another question is whether certain federal documents can be taken into private possession by a former president. Were these original documents of which no copies exist? If this was the case, there would be at least concerns, but Trump would most likely agree copies to be made!

"... Trump said the president can declassify documents "even by thinking about it," meaning the decision does not have to be communicated to anyone, even though the whole point is to change how records are stored and handled. In fact, according to Trump, he did not even have to mentally declassify records. "When you say 'send it,'" Trump asserted, "it's declassified." In other words, anything he brought to Mar-a-Lago was declassified by definition, even if Trump never told anyone that or even thought about it. ..."

The FBI Regains Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents That Trump Claims He Mentally Declassified Even if Trump did declassify those records, the 11th Circuit says, he "has not identified any reason that he is entitled to them."

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