Friday, September 23, 2022

The Apple macOS security landscape: Moving to become an enterprise and individual user risk

It appears for a long time Apple devices were not targeted as much as Windows devices, but this may change.

It also means that other Unix based operating systems (like Linux and its many derivatives) might by more at risk. I am, e.g. using Fedora Linux.

"Apple’s devices aren’t immune to hacking, but for years, they seemed to be. While other vendors like Microsoft faced the brunt of complex exploits targeting the enterprise market, macOS and iOS didn’t face the same level of pressure as a consumer-focused vendor. 
Yet, this appears to be changing. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Atlas VPN reported that Apple’s product vulnerabilities increased by 467% in the second half of 2021 to 380 exploits. ..."

The Apple security landscape: Moving into the world of enterprise risk | VentureBeat

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