Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Study links chronic vaping to progressive lung damage. Really!

Decades of scare tactics against smokers and would be smokers continue!

What is definitely of concern is that up to 28% of high school students are reported using e-cigarettes. Hopefully, this is primarily a temporary individual use due to e.g. current fashion or trial.

The study relies on only four subjects! Plus, three of the four subjects were tobacco smokers before!

"Chronic use of e-cigarettes, commonly known as vaping, can result in small airway obstruction and asthma-like symptoms, according to researchers at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
In the first study to microscopically evaluate the pulmonary tissue of e-cigarette users for chronic disease, the team found in a small sample of patients fibrosis and damage in the small airways, similar to the chemical inhalation damage to the lungs typically seen in soldiers returning from overseas conflicts who had inhaled mustard or similar types of noxious gases. ...
In addition, three of the four patients had evidence of mild emphysema consistent with their former combustible cigarette smoking history ..."

From the abstract:
"... We present the cases of four patients with chronic lung disease associated with e-cigarette use ...
Patients who ceased vaping had a partial, but not complete, reversal of disease over 1 to 4 years. ..."

Study links chronic vaping to progressive lung damage – Harvard Gazette Studies show that about 9 percent of the population and nearly 28 percent of high school students are e-cigarette users.

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