Wednesday, September 21, 2022

National Transportation Safety Board recommends all new vehicles be equipped with alcohol impairment and speed limiter technology

The control freaks of the administration of the demented and senile 46th President are coming out again in the open! Totalitarianism made in the U.S.!

The federal bureaucrats take one horrible car accident to propose totalitarian measures to be imposed on all car drivers! Incredible! Perhaps this agency should be shutdown!

"On Tuesday, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended that all new vehicles come standard with alcohol impairment and speed limiter systems to reduce crashes. The guidance is in response to an investigation into a California collision that the department said could have been avoided with the implementation of available technology. ..."

"Horrific crash highlights need for technology solutions to eliminate impaired driving and speeding
WASHINGTON (Sept. 20, 2022) — An investigation into a California crash that killed nine – including seven children – has led the National Transportation Safety Board to call for alcohol impairment detection systems to be included in all new vehicles, according to new recommendations released Tuesday. ...
The issues of impaired driving and excessive speeding are both on the NTSB’s Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements. To prevent alcohol and other drug-impaired driving crashes, the NTSB has called for in-vehicle alcohol detection technology, the lowering of the blood alcohol concentration limit to .05 g/dL or lower, alcohol ignition-interlock devices for people convicted of driving while intoxicated and recommended that regulators develop a standard of practice to improve drug toxicology testing. The NTSB has also called for a comprehensive strategy to eliminate speeding-related crashes that combines traditional measures like enforcement and regulation with new technological advances like speed limiters and intelligent speed adaptation technology. ..."

National Transportation Safety Board recommends all new vehicles be equipped with alcohol impairment and speed limiter technology - TheBlaze

This is the official NTSB imagery!

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