Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Israeli researchers isolate wheat genes that make it disease-resistant

Good news!

"An international research team that includes researchers from Tel Aviv University isolated three disease-resistance wheat genes from wild grasses, creating resistance to rust diseases that cause severe damage to global wheat yields. ... The project was made possible by several technological innovations that drastically cut down the time needed to identify and isolate genes from wild plant species and transfer them into cultivated plants.
The three genes were isolated from plants preserved in Tel Aviv University’s Liberman Okinow Gene Bank of Wild Cereals at the Institute for Cereal Crops Research (ICCR). Two of the genes, providing immunity against stem rust disease, were isolated by an international team led by researchers from the UK.
The third gene, isolated by Tel Aviv University scientists, provides resistance against two different diseases – leaf rust and stripe rust ...
Tel Aviv University's gene bank includes more than 17,000 seeds of 20 different species of wild cereals that have been collected in Israel over the past 50 years. ..."

Israeli researchers isolate wheat genes that make it disease-resistant - The Jerusalem Post One of the genes provides resistance against two different diseases – leaf rust and stripe rust, which are now spreading because of rising temperatures around the world.

Making Wheat Rust-Resistant Researchers respond to the global food crisis by enabling resistance of wheat to rust diseases 

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