Thursday, September 22, 2022

Five solar megafarms, each as big as Tasmania: Australia's path to net zero

One hopes that the Australian people will dismiss this nonsense! Nuclear power would be a better solution and requires much less land.

The goal of net zero through decarbonization in a few decades is by itself insane based on propaganda and demagoguery!

Who is behind this nonsense:

"Australia has a lot of sun and desert space ...
five solar mega-projects, each nearly the size of the island of Tasmania. ... each of these solar projects might end up covering a land mass about as big as Alabama. ...
Not to mention native title; these enormous areas of land might look largely unoccupied, but Aboriginal groups were using the "empty" parts of the country for tens of thousands of years before European colonization in 1788, and these areas remain dotted with remote communities to this day. Native title and land rights legislation recognizing the displacement and dispossession of indigenous groups has created a complex system of ownership, negotiation and compensation rights that will absolutely be relevant to these solar megafarms."

Five solar farms, each as big as Tasmania: Australia's path to net zero

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