Thursday, September 22, 2022

Dobbs decision threatens safest course (termination) for high-risk pregnancies. Really!

Nice example of the hyper propaganda and demagoguery surrounding this recent U.S. Supreme Court decision!

One method: Rather rare cases of high risk pregnancies are cited and become distorted arguments!

Almost utter nonsense! Nobody (except perhaps for extremely religious people) would deny a pregnancy termination if the life or health of the pregnant woman is in serious danger.

"... By setting aside Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court put abortion out of reach for many people [women] like Ava, intimidates others into inaction, and jeopardizes maternal health. Abortion is now banned in 12 U.S. states and counting. Timely access to this important medical procedure must remain a fundamental reproductive right in the U.S., where pregnancy-related complications and death are already higher than in any other industrialized nation. For individuals with autoimmune diseases, the risks during pregnancy and afterward are even higher. ..."

Dobbs decision threatens safest course for high-risk pregnancies - STAT

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