Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Australians find themselves in an "arms race" with trash bin diving and raiding cockatiels

What a story! Smart birds! Gives survival of the fittest a new meaning! 😊

"... In Australia they can be very numerous, so much so, in fact, to be considered pests. They can grow up to 55 cm (17.5–21.5 in) in length, with those in Australia typically growing larger than those of the subspecies from New Guinea and nearby islands. ...
According to the authors, this behavior seems to have spread through direct observation from a single bird (or a small number of individuals) that first figured out how to do so. In essence, the research suggests that the birds in Sydney and the surrounding region have now developed their own tradition of bin-diving.
And now, they seem to be adapting further by learning to bypass the series of increasingly-creative ways locals are trying to prevent them from reaching their trash. This is a previously-unexplored example of an “interspecies innovation arms race,” the authors conclude.
Sightings revealed that a single cockatoo will open a bin by lifting the lid with its beak from the front edge. From there, while still holding, it will walk backward towards the hinge, which eventually forces the lid to flip open. An earlier study revealed that knowledge of this technique spread as other birds looked on, creating local “traditions”. ..."

Australians find themselves in an "arms race" with bin-raiding cockatiels Locals in the Sydney area are having to come up with increasingly-creative ways to keep the birds out of their trash.

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