Wednesday, September 07, 2022

As masks are shed, medical offices pose Covid risk for some. Really!

What is the point of continuing the scaremongering about Covid-19? How about you? I am so tired of this medieval scaremongering!

The plain facts are:
1) Covid-19 is overall a fairly harmless disease comparable to a severe common cold or influenza. The large majority of young people (roughly <= age 50)  have little to fear! Perhaps, it is more infectious. Most of this was actually known since about mid-Summer 2020!
2) In record time by any historical measure, we have now so many different effective vaccines and treatments available unlike so many other diseases

Sick or healthy, it has always been risky to visit a hospital or waiting room of a doctor's office! You never quite now what the person next to you is suffering from.

"... But as the third pandemic fall looms ahead, with mask mandates dropped and isolation requirements relaxed, many high-risk individuals are increasingly anxious about contracting Covid while accessing necessary routine health care. ..."

As masks are shed, medical offices pose Covid risk for some - STAT

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