Sunday, October 17, 2021

China - Surveillance state or way of the future?

Very recommendable! Caution: Shocking and disturbing!

China appears to be way ahead in the digital age. How about e.g. smart refrigerators?

Otherwise scary stuff! The totalitarian dictatorship in China can monitor anyone living in big cities (several hundred million people) via several hundred thousand cameras in each city capturing almost anything going on on the streets. It is claimed that the police can identify any person on those videos within seconds. A ranking system for individual behavior???? A social credit system????
Orwellian dystopia is far too kind a description!
Anyone who travels abroad, moves around from city to city, or consumes large amounts of electricity is immediately under suspicion and extra surveillance!
Uyghurs are also closely monitored by cameras!
Any previous totalitarian dictatorship were mere amateurs compared to what is going on in China! This is taking totalitarian dictatorship to the max! Only thing missing are cameras in you home, however your smartphone camera is controlled by the government.

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