Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Why the US should exit NATO

The European Union has become a formidable organisation over the past several decades well capable of self defense when necessary! This would also finally put more pressure on EU countries to spend more on its military!

The Cold War is long over! The evil empire (the former Soviet Union) does not exist anymore.

Under President Erdogan Turkey (a NATO member, but not an EU member) member has increasingly engaged in trying to establish the Ottoman Empire again. His foreign adventures are sometimes scary. Thereby, increasing the risk of an attack on Turkey. 

The US can and will be on standby! Should the EU need military support in the event of a military confrontation/aggression against the EU by external forces the US can then decide how and when to assist.

Without NATO, the US can pursue other foreign policies like engage more with and focus more on India, Latin America, Africa, and the Pacific region.

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